Monday, April 13, 2009

Knock! Knock! Who's there? It's Me!

"Lady, if we don't have it on the shelves, then we don't have it at all," the saleswoman at the luggage department slowly spelled out the words out of her mouth.

"But can't you check the backroom for more? I really need two identical suitcases."

She stared at me and repeated: "If we don't have it on the shelves, then we don't have it at all."

I froze and she thought I still did not understand. But I understood every word she said and even every word she did not say. I smiled, thanked her, and left.

That was a snippet of one of my shopping adventures while preparing for my yearly visit to the Middle East. Every summer for the past seventeen years, I have been taking an across the oceans trip to Egypt where my parents live. Two weeks after I settle, I start whining about going back home to Texas. I would soon forgive people like the saleswoman at the luggage department and long to go back to my routine life.

True! I am a Muslim woman who lives in America, I wear the Muslim head covering "hijab" while going around town running my daily errands. When people give me "the look," I smile and shy away. Who am I? I'm Muslim by birth, American by choice.I'm an American Muslim.


  1. I can honestly say that I don't think this incident happened because you are a Muslim woman. I've had the same things happen when asking if there may be something in stock in the back storage area. They act like I don't understand English! lol However, I am blond, and American woman, and my English is fine, thank you. In one instance, I finally asked a floor supervisor--and she was able to find what I needed in the back storage area. It could be, then, that it is more a matter of a floor clerk being lazy than a slight against you because you appear different to them.

  2. Thank you Michele for your input. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Some store clerks come with an attitude (something like I am the queen here so don't annoy me) or simply are lazy. It was an interesting observation to learn that you get this kind of treatment as well.

    I see you attended the Muse Writing Conference. It was a blast. This was my second year. I will definitely read your blog and check out your field of writing. As for me, I write non-fiction. Well, at least for now.

    Thanks again for stopping by, keep in touch.

  3. I've read many of your blog posts and it is wonderful that you are writing on these subjects. So many people think that all Muslims are fanatics and all Muslim women are under the rule of oppression. Yes, there are some--sadly--that fit this picture. But there are so many others who are open-minded, tolerant, and just want to have peaceful lives and practice their beliefs without being confronted with bigotry and violence. I am enjoying your blog! (I found it through a link from someone else. So good to hear you also got to the Muse Conference. It was, as you say, a blast!)
